Terms of Service

Social Media Accounts

Terms of Service - Social Media Accounts

Terms of Service


This agreement outlines the terms under which the Company’s services will be offered.  The Company, Red and Black Ink, LLC and Danita Smith, will hereafter be referred to as the “Company,” “me,” “I,” “we”, “us” and the customer will be referred to as “customer,” “you,” “your.”  See specific terms below.

General Overview of Service

We will operate your social media account(s) in an effort to give you an active and up-to-date presence online.  Our goal will be to post lively and relevant information about your business, personality or organization, to engage with followers and other accounts and to do this all within a strategy that supports your goals.

We will seek to post, on average about 52 posts per year, or once per week, on a social media account on your behalf.  We may actually post much more often than this based on times and current needs.

The account’s description will clearly state that the account(s) is operated on behalf of you, your child (if you are the legal guardian), your business or your organization and the contact information will display your website and/or the email address you wish to display in the account’s profile.

If you wish to have the Company manage social media accounts for you, you must first agree to the terms and conditions (current and any updates) for the social media account you wish to have and you must agree to these terms and conditions (current and any updates) for social media management to begin or continue. 

Advertising on Social Media and Engagement

We will not conduct any advertising for you, through a social media’s interface, at our expense.  If you wish to have adverting for your social media account, you must first submit payment to us for the amount you wish to spend or access the account yourself to set process payment for any advertising you wish to conduct.  We will help you focus your advertising and strategy, but will not pay for any advertising for you.

Followers and Engagement

We do not guarantee any amount of followers or engagement as it relates to your account(s).  You will have to provide funding if you want to advertise on a social media’s platform to gain business, increase followers, achieve certain objectives, etc.  

We commit to making your social media account active, per the guidelines noted above, but will not make any guarantees in terms of outcomes, results, etc.

Copyright and Permissions

You must also take responsibility for any content you submit for inclusion on your social media account(s) and ensure that you have the appropriate permissions (e.g., copyright, etc.) to display that content and that the content meets the social media guidelines as laid out in their terms and conditions.

Offensive Content

If the content submitted for the social media account(s) is objectionable, profane, or illegal in anyway we reserve the right to discontinue the social media account, and this service, or to not display the content, all at our sole discretion.

Cancellation of Accounts and Service

You may cancel this service, at any time, simply by emailing us (i.e., cancelling in writing) your desire to cancel the service and the social media account(s).  The service will be cancelled and the social media account will be deleted.

We may also cancel your service, at any time, at our sole discretion.  If we do cancel your service, we will do so in writing via the email that was used set up the service.

Other Warranties and Liabilities

We make no warranties or guarantees about the services offered in these terms.  As some of the services delivered will depend upon third-party vendors, such as social media sites and their partners or vendors.  You agree to hold us harmless, in whole and under any circumstances, or in the event that legal action is taken against you in relation to any services we offer.

The User will hold the Company, Danita Smith and Red and Black Ink, LLC harmless for any occurrence they deem unwanted, for any liability or damages, whatsoever related to any service, interaction, transaction or transmission that may take place as a result of purchasing, taking part in or participation in any of the services or goods we offer.

Entering into this Agreement

You must be 18 years of age or older, the parent or legal guardian of the subject of the account, the owner of the business related to the account(s) or the legal representative, with the authority to enter into this agreement, of the organization that is the subject of the account(s) in order to enter into this agreement.

*We reserve the right to update this agreement at any time.